Thursday, April 23, 2015

Butterfly Falls

Journal 52 has a prompt that I found difficult.  "Collage Crazy"-- I am not good at finding bits and arranging them, so instead of prowling old magazine pages and acknowledging my lack of ephemera and rubber stamp stuff,  decided to raid my stash of special papers--
  • some paste papers I had made a few years ago using shaving cream to carry      pigment  -- fun and messy
  • some tissue paper left from the installation I did for my senior professional concerns show the year I graduated from college. (boy, does that bring back some memories!)
  • some little squares salvaged from an art-paper supplier's sample book (in small squares about 2 1/2" x 2 1/2") 
  • and last, but not least, one picture of a butterfly cut from a page that was an insert in a Somerset magazine a few years ago.
Here is the result.  
Butterfly Falls

1 comment:

  1. It's wonderful, Karyn! Thanks for a creative piece of day in my life! The sun is shining, and the nature is living freshly in the picture. I can't thing of a more live picture.


please let me know what you think of this post

Come Play with me!

Life is ART--there is beauty everywhere that needs to be looked at and appreciated. Yeah, there is plenty of bad stuff in the world, but God tells us to think on whatever is pure, lovely and of good report (Philippians 4) so I am going to obey...won't you come with me?! Let's make and do things that are beautiful, lovely, fun....