Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Contemporary Shepherd

This morning I found this piece of calligraphy that I did a few months ago.  It had no color so I fiddled around designing a border that is more "illuminated manuscript" style floral.  Didn't like it with the more contemporary lettering. so decided to use my watercolors and a bit of foil. I'm pleased with the result and particularly happy with the layout of the text and changes in letter size.  Will probably frame it. In "real life"  the foil isn't quite so "brassy" and overwhelming.  The camera picked up the overhead light glare.

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Come Play with me!

Life is ART--there is beauty everywhere that needs to be looked at and appreciated. Yeah, there is plenty of bad stuff in the world, but God tells us to think on whatever is pure, lovely and of good report (Philippians 4) so I am going to obey...won't you come with me?! Let's make and do things that are beautiful, lovely, fun....