Monday, April 13, 2015

thick and thin

This piece was created for a friend - she had a very narrow space above an archway that just begs for some sort of art.  I made this and alas, it was too "thick" (top to bottom) so I kept it and did something else for her (after measuring :-/) 
Even though it is a "Thin" piece (physical size, narrow from top to bottom and long left to right) it is "Thick" with meaning.  It has been pinned below my upper kitchen cabinets for about a week now and seeing the message regularly is really a "stiffener," spiritually speaking. 

1 comment:

  1. It has a thick meaning indeed. I like the idea very much. The size never matters. If you insert your meaning into your work, there is no way to avoid its influence on others. Such words were written on the cover page of the new novel of Margaret Kotten.
    Hugs, Lillie Jason


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Come Play with me!

Life is ART--there is beauty everywhere that needs to be looked at and appreciated. Yeah, there is plenty of bad stuff in the world, but God tells us to think on whatever is pure, lovely and of good report (Philippians 4) so I am going to obey...won't you come with me?! Let's make and do things that are beautiful, lovely, fun....