Thursday, April 9, 2015


Mom was cleaning her closets a couple days ago. She had packed paintings (framed and not) when she moved to live with us in "how it would fit best" fashion.  Since she didn't inventory the boxes as she went, it has plagued her for the past few years that she "didn't know where anything was."  So, dragging the many paintings out included this one that I had given her several years ago.  I painted it from a still life set up with my depressionware green bowl and nasturtiums from our garden.  
It is brings back such vivid memories here in April when there is not a nasturtium to be found -- that will come in July and August.  There is a strong and distinctive fragrance of the flowers and of the garden dirt warmed by the summer sun.  I can remember dealing with the unwieldy curly stems to create a pleasing arrangement for my studio session.
This memory jogged reminds me of days long past-- other scenes utterly unrelated to the flowers captured for the future on a sheet of paper.  Songs of my children's voices playing in the yard, the delight of dinner cooking in the slow cooker, my radio playing the classical station and the smell of my watercolor paints-- they do have a scent that stirs me everytime I am near them. All these good gifts come from my Heavenly Father. It stirs me to praise again and  puts me in mind of what we do, what we save, what we unearth that winds our past and present together to lead us into the future.

 Interesting muse this morning. 

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Come Play with me!

Life is ART--there is beauty everywhere that needs to be looked at and appreciated. Yeah, there is plenty of bad stuff in the world, but God tells us to think on whatever is pure, lovely and of good report (Philippians 4) so I am going to obey...won't you come with me?! Let's make and do things that are beautiful, lovely, fun....